Monday, September 23, 2013

VT Football

Is it me or is it getting harder to stay and watch a whole entire Virginia Tech football game. The first home game against West Carolina was brutal. Standing on the east side of the stadium with the sun beaming straight down on us, left half the student body sun burned. My roommate even got hokie foot prints marked on here face because of the tan it created. Right after half-time ended my group of friends and I knew it was time to leave and grab lunch. We all came to the conclusion that we need to head back and take a nice long nap. Dont get me wrong, experiencing my first Virginia Tech football game will always be a moment I'll never forget! Jumping in the stadium and screaming "Let's Go Hokies!" just adds to the thrilling effect of being in Lane Stadium.
This past weekend, the same group of friends and I, barely made it to the second quarter because of the wind and rain that kept blowing in our faces. First it was too hot and now I'm shivering in the stands barely able to see what's going on on the field. Although I love sports, it can get a little tedious having to stand throughout a whole entire game.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Music Around Us

Have you ever wonder how a song can completely understand how you're feeling at that very moment? Cause I have. Music has allows been able to reflect my emotions, whether I am sad, happy, or pissed. Music has always been a big part of my life because of being a dancer and having 9 years of experience playing the violin. I honestly like any type of genre except for country and hard rock. I have so much respect towards artist and the hard work they put in their music. I literally do everything throughout my day while listening to music. I can even study while jamming out to a great John Mayer song or even some classic Jason Mraz. Music can be helpful in many ways. For instance, it can pump up an athlete before a game or calm a baby to sleep. Whether you like to listen to music or not, it is heard everywhere you go. Perhaps on your way to work a man could be playing his saxophone or patiently waiting in an elevator hoping the awkward music would stop. Overall if I didn't have music in my life I would think the world was so boring. Music makes me feel alive and appreciative of the world around me.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Time Flies

It’s crazy to see the little changes I see in myself. I no longer leave huge clumps of clothing on the floor or leave my bed all messed up. After just being here for 3 weeks, I’ve become extremely organized and aware that my 12 by 4 room is now my home. I’ve officially decided that Friday mornings are my time to vacuum, do laundry and take care of any other chores. Living on my own has made me even more independent and it scares me because in a way it means I’m growing up. One thing that hasn’t changed is the fact that my mother has been calling me 3 times a day since she dropped me off. And recently I’ve been getting a little annoyed when she constantly asks me “what’s up” or “what’s new in life” when she just called me a couple of hours ago. I love my mom to death but I wish she would understand that I’m growing up and that she needs to let go a little. I’ve dealt with this my whole life…having an overly protective mother who wants to be included in everything. Before leaving for college she’d joke around about moving in to the Virginia Tech Inn permanently…that was no joke to me! Another scary things is the fact that I will be turning 19 in a few months. How did that happen? I remember turning 18 and feeling so grown up and scared knowing I was no longer a child. Life feels like it’s just moving forward, relentlessly dragging me along for the ride. I want to make sure the next 4 years of my life will be memorable and not easily forgotten.  

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How I Became A Hokie.

Hello, my name is Hermela Solomon and I’m going to tell you about how I became a Hokie. Ever since I was 7 years old, my mother put me in every dance class you could possibly think of. She used to tell me that when I was a toddler I would run around the house putting on performances for my family. Dance has been my life ever since I could remember. When I entered High School I even joined the Dance Team and stuck with it until I graduated. Dance has always been my way of expressing how I feel and sharing who I am as a person. When my junior year in High School was coming to an end, I knew that I wanted to go to school for dance and one day dance for BeyoncĂ©. The winter of my senior year I was able to audition at Pace University in New York City for the Commercial Dance program. I was thrilled that I had a chance to live out my dream, in a city filled with opportunities. On the other hand, my mother was not as excited for me. She continuously preached to me how I needed a stable major that would guarantee me a stable job in the future. She praised and lectured how Virginia Tech would provide me many opportunities that would guarantee success and a happy life. But inside me heart I knew that my dream was greater than becoming a Hokie for the next four years of my life. After waiting for a little over three months, I got a very “thin” layered envelope that congratulated me for being accepted into the Commercial Dance Program. But surprisingly, over those three months I had an “Aha moment,” and realized I could do both at Virginia Tech. After many hours of researching dance at Tech, I realized that my future was guiding me in another direction.